Club Regripping & Repair

Club Repair Services Are Available
New Grips: The staff at the Highlands is able to regrip clubs.  We have a small selection of grips in stock (ranging in price from $7-$9 each).  The cost to have a club regripped is...... the grip cost + $3/club.  In the event a customer brings their own grips in, the labor cost is $4/club.
Timing:  Occasionally, we can regrip a club while you wait.  However, it is best to plan to leave the club(s) for a couple days.
New Shafts & Other Repairs: For more extensive club repair, we use a trusted outside service technician who is able to do many things and advise of various club issues.  Customers may drop their clubs off at the Highlands and we will contact the repair technician to pick up the equipment.